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Christian fundamentalists believe that The Bible is the inerrant word of God and everything within its pages is literal truth. Therefore most fundamentalists believe that Adam was the first human created directly from the ground around 6000 years ago, and Eve was literally created from the rib or the side of Adam. They also believe that around 4500 years ago there was a global flood that destroyed all of life that lives on dry land except for just eight humans including Noah, his wife, his three sons and their wives, plus an ark full of animals, birds and insects (in most cases two of every kind). However, there are among fundamentalists those who interpret these accounts differently more inline with an older creation and a relatively localized flood.

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Fundamentalists are persons who believe in the strict, literal interpretation of the scripture in whichever religion that they follow.

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Fundamentalists are at odds with the teaching of evolution because they believe it is not compatible with the teaching of creation. They believe the Bible teaches creation.

What did fundamentalists believe?

A movement that promoted the authority of the Bible \and defended the Protestant faith.

What did fundamentalists believe about the biblical account of creation?

They believe the story is a literal description of what happened.

What do fundamentalists believe about Noah's Ark?

A:Fundamentalists in Judaism, Christianity and Islam believe that Noah's Ark was real and the biblical Flood really happened. To be fair, this is a belief widely held in these religions, not just by fundamentalists.

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Islamic fundamentalists believe the government should be based on Islam.

What do fundamentalists believe?

Here's some: -Only the Authorized King James Version of The Bible is the inspired word of God -You should not indulge in secular activities (i.e music, movies, dancing, etc.) -Women should wear a dress/skirt -A woman must submit to her husband under all circumstances -The belief that all forms of alcohol consumption is sinful, and that when wine is used in the New Testament its referring to grape juice -Sex outside of marriage, adultery, and homosexuality are sinful

Who are the Fundamentalist Christians and what are their beliefs?

Fundamentalists believe in the inerrancy of the Bible, and its literal meaning. Fundamentalism is a reaction against Modernism, which believes that social mores change with the times. Fundamentalists usually do not recognize traditions unless there is a Biblical justification for a practice. Fundamentalists are usually conservative, and believe in the dominance of women by men, and in the damnation of homosexuals. They oppose sex outside of marriage.

Is Becky Fischer a Fundamentalist?

No, she is a Pentecostal that believes in the existence of present-day apostles and prophets. Fundamentalists do not believe that.

What did Fundamentalists believe in?

The basic idea behind Fundamentalism is that The Bible is not open for interpretation and that it is to be taken at face value. Strict fundamentalists believe the world to be rough 5000-6000 years old. Since recent scientific discoveries, Fundamentalism has gone under scrutiny, however a large percentage of wealth in the United States is controlled by Fundamentalist Christians.

Why do you hear about Islamic fundamentalists when no one reports on the Christian fundamentalists?

Christian "fundamentalists" don't blow people up or kill innocents because they disagree with what they believe. Christian "fundamentalism" simply means going back to the basics of Christianity as taught by Jesus. Islamic fundamentalism means going back to Mohamed's original method of spreading his religion, which was to conquer by violence those who would not accept his new religion. Remember Waco, Texas? The Christian Davidian movement? Christian fundamentalists who cause harm to innocents are reported on and are dealt with.

How did modernists differ from fundamentalists?

Modernists interpreted religion using reason; fundamentalists insisted on a traditional approach

When was National Federation of Fundamentalists of the Northern Baptists created?

National Federation of Fundamentalists of the Northern Baptists was created in 1920.