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Q: What do giraffes sound like in metaphors?
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What sound does a giraff make?

Giraffes make a noise like its name, they say gee-raffe.i dont think a girrafe makes a sound does it maybe it is like a coowing sound or somthing maybe its like a snort or it could sound simmaler to a horse they are all possible but i really dont think they make a distinkt sound i dont think a girrafe makes a sound does it maybe it is like a coowing sound or somthing maybe its like a snort or it could sound simmaler to a horse they are all possible but i really dont think they make a distinkt sound

Why giraffes makes no sound?

Giraffes have no vocal cords, hence they do not make any sound.

Why do you use metaphors and similes?

To sound intelligent.

What is the Sound of a giraffe?

Giraffes makes no sound at all, they are silent creatures.

Can giraffes yawn?

No but they make a noise that sounds like barking

Why do people like the bones of giraffes?

:(. i luv giraffes

What do you call the sound made by a giraffe?

It doesn't make a sound. - Actually it produces a very low pitched hum (most likely due to the very long neck and large chest) that humans can't hear. Like with bat noises you can frequency shift the giraffe noises to listen to them.

What is a giraffes home like?

a giraffes home has trees with lots of leaves.

Do giraffes like cactus?

they do like it

Is metaphor difficult to identify?

Metaphor is a type of figures of speech. It's like a comparison to simile. Simile is easier to identify and it's often used "like" or "as". In metaphor, "like" or "as" isn't being used, so metaphors may sound a bit vague. In metaphor, you need to think really deeply and find out something that is not this thing and it's other thing. It can be confusing or it can sound nonsense. Metaphors are difficult to identify.

What sound does a giraffe make?

Giraffes make a noise like its name, they say gee-raffe.i dont think a girrafe makes a sound does it maybe it is like a coowing sound or somthing maybe its like a snort or it could sound simmaler to a horse they are all possible but i really dont think they make a distinkt sound i dont think a girrafe makes a sound does it maybe it is like a coowing sound or somthing maybe its like a snort or it could sound simmaler to a horse they are all possible but i really dont think they make a distinkt sound

Do giraffes have fur?

No. Giraffes are short hair animals.