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Q: What do girls get is boys get erections?
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Which part of the body do girls use in erections?

Girls don't get erections, because they don't have penises. Only boys get erections.

Why do girls like boys who have erections?

They are reminded of sexuality and this is a pleasant experience to many.

Do most 13 year old boys get erections when on a nude beach?

i would with all those nude girls im 13

Do boys get erections when they see girls fighting?

not unless they are naked. not normal what so ever. if happens you need to seek medical attention.

What do guys get that girls don't?


What do girls get in the morning?

Guys can get erections in the morning but girls don't.

Why do boys have erections when their body's think about sex?

We have erections when we get excited and if sex doesnt excite u then something wrong.

How young can a guy get a erection?

Boys can begin to have erections as early as infancy. Erections can occur in response to various stimuli, such as touch or visual cues, even in newborn boys.

Is it normal for a 5 year old to get erections during the day?

Yes, it is normal for a 5 year old to get erections during the day. It is even normal for baby boys and toddlers to get erections.

In poptropica are boys popular to girls or girls are popular to boys?

it is so simple boys to girls . who is the people to ask out , boys ask girls . girls do not ask boys.

Does Miley date girls boys or boys and girls?


Are funkeys for girls or boys?

It is for boys AND girls!!