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First, be aware of what your gf wants to do. Just because you what to touch her chest does not mean that she wants you to be that intimate with her. If she has her hand on your chest, try gently laying your hand on her blouse or sweater. Do not grab or squeeze hard or hit her breasts, they are sensitive and your gf is not just a body. She is a person that deserves respect. Being intimate is a wonderful part of a relationship, but go slow and be gentle and loving. If the time is right and you both have an emotional ties, one to the other, and you both want to move ahead with your physical intimacy, then gently using the palm of your hand and your fingers and your lips touch her bare breasts. I think that it is important for both of you to be topless at this time. Your gf should be a participant in your intimacy not just the object of it. Do things together, as you touch her encourage her to touch you. Don't forget that bare skin to skin hugs are tremendous and help to remind you that you are a couple, a unit not just a physical encounter.

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Q: What do girls like for boys to do do their breasts?
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Yes, very.

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I like to show my breast in front of boys without any cloth on my breast

Do boys like breasts?

Sometimes some boys are in live with breasts others find them disgusting.