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Probably their looks, but then we move on to more important things like personality. Eyes, confidence, looks aren't everything trust me.

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Q: What do girls notice about guys first?
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the guys want the girls to notice them

Do guys rate girls based on appearance?

Guys Notice girls by looks first, but in the long run the personality matters incredibly

What are the first things that a guy notices about a girl?

Almost all guys notice a girls looks and her smile.

What are the first things a girl notices about a guy?

Almost all guys notice a girls looks and her smile.

How do shy girls get guys to ask them out?

Make them notice you.

How do you make the the girls like or admire you?

It depends on what girl. Girls, like guys, have personal inerests and tastes in guys. Some girls notice guys with great hair, some notice guys with great bodies, some notice guys with great eyes. You can't be all-around perfect, so flirt a little! Great personality is a quality that most girls look for so be more interesting than the next guy. Don't lie, though. Girls hate that!

You like this guy he is in ninth and im in ninth so how do you get him to notice you?

Guys usually notice girls who talk to them.

What do boys notice first in a girl?

Its hard to tell because all guys are different. Some may first notice a girls body, others will look at personality first. But it all comes down to what they like and what they are looking for in a girl. Guys are as complicated creatures as girls are.

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What thing girls notice in men first?

Usually, girls notice a man's eyes first. Then, his hair and facial features.

Why dont girls notice the sweet guys?

HAH you think it is hard to make girls notice the sweet guys! Try getting Guys to like sweet girls! That is COMPLICATED but um to answer your question ummmm girls do notice they just don't let on very much that is part of our secretiveness! All that is true. Guys don't notice sweet girls, and the other way around. But some girls do. If you want to be recognized by your sweetness, find a nice, and sometimes kind of shy girl. The popular girls dont so much care about sweetness. But i am not popular (by choice!!) and I don't want to date some jerk who can do well in gym and trash talk. I want a sweet and funny guy. And by the way, popular girls are really just not good for sweet, shy guys.

Do guys prefer if you make the first move?

Some guys want girls to make the first move but those are the guys that are cocky and only want to have a lot of girls after them. Guys are more into the chase.