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its moms milk

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Q: What do gorilla babies eat?
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Related questions

Where does a gorilla have its babies?

where ever

Do gorilla's have live babies yes or no?


What is a gorilla's competition?

having the most babies.

Can a gorilla get a woman pregnant?

I have 4 gorilla babies:]Yes but it would hurt a lot for the woman

What do baby Gorilla gorilla eat?

its moms milk

Describe a gorilla's habitat?

a gorilla's habitat is that they eat banannas

Can you eat a gorilla?

Yes, you can eat a gorilla if you hunt it down and kill it. This is illegal, but many people still break the rules. To eat it, you have to cook it. But yes, you CAN eat a gorilla even though it is not an everyday thing.

Do people eat Gorilla?

It does happen, yes. The Babies can be sold as pets if they're small enough and the adults gets sold as something called "bush meat".

What do Gorilla gorilla eat?

Plants , stem shoots leaves fruits .

What is the most common gorilla?

The most common gorilla is the Western gorilla. Gorillas are normally found in Africa and eat fruit and leaves. They may also eat ants and termites.

Who eat gorilla?

your mum's

What did the American tribes eat?

they eat gorilla and beans