

What do hamsters enjoy?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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they enjoy running on their wheel, running in their ball, and having you taking them out of their cage and letting them run free.

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Q: What do hamsters enjoy?
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are cookies bad for hamsters?

Cookies and other foods that are high in sugar are not good for hamsters. Hamsters generally eat pellets, although there are some fruits and vegetables that hamsters enjoy.

Is there any hamster breed that gets along?

Syrian hamsters (the most common hamsters) don't get along.Dwarf hamsters can be put together because they enjoy company. Dwarf hamsters get along with other dwarf hamsters of the same breed.

Are hamsters as energetic as guinea pigs?

both guinea pigs and hamsters can be very active although hamsters only at night, guinea pigs tend to be more playful and enjoy the company of people more.

Are Gold Hamsters Nicer Then Teddy bear hamsters?

Both hamsters are very nice, and you would enjoy both of them. They are both take about the same time to tame, and one is not more aggressive than the other. Hope this helped!

Are hamsters as active as guinea pigs?

both can be quite active though hamsters only at night, guinea pigs tend to be more playful and enjoy the company of people more.

Why do hamsters enjoy tunnels?

They're naturally tunnelling animals and would be digging tunnels if left in their natual habitat.

How many times a day do you have to feed 2 hamsters?

Usually hamsters eat by themselves. All you have to do is make sure you add food to its tray and is never empty. They also enjoy picking food on the tray.

Can hamsters chew on cereal box parts?

Hamster can and will chew on a variety of objects. Hamsters are rodents and chew to keep their teeth short. Cardboard is a material hamsters seem to enjoy. Cardboard itself is not harmful to hamsters, but it is possible the ink or glue used in the manufacturing of the product's boxes may health problems. However, many people provide their hamsters with boxes for chewing, hiding, or entertainment with no adverse effects.

Can golden hamsters eat living mealworms?

Yes, they're a good source of protein, but try to use it more as a treat than as food because hamsters are very prone to obesity and diabetes.

What is the best kind of hamsters for kids?

It is best to get a white bunny for kids, since it will not blend in with the colors of your house if lose it, assuming your house is nor predominantly white. I had a white bunny when I was 4 years old. I know you will enjoy it!!!

What makes hamsters faster music food or nothing?

They enjoy music, it some how soothes them. Food just satisfies them. Nothing really makes them faster.

What can dwarf hamsters eat without getting diarrhea besides hamster food?

It is good and healthy for your hamster to eat fruits and vegetables and they enjoy it as well :)