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They are similar to all other adhesive fish ova. They are usually attached to a plant or other fibre, tiny (less than .5mm), opaque, and will be seen only with a magnifying instrument. If they go white they have not been fertilised.

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Q: What do head and tail light tetra fish eggs look like?
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If the lights went out on your headlight tail light fish when he got sick will they ever come back on?

Yes, they will, although their is a five percent chance they will not and that their body has accepted the new change. When fish discolour or change colour it is a sign of stress, or being unhealthy. There is nothing to be worried about, for head and tail light tetra's it is very common for them to loose their brightness when sick, stressed or are not receiving enough light. You may have a heard the story that fish go white when kept in the dark, well for the head and tail light tetra this is true, but being put into it's natural environment it will go back to its natural colour. Although when sick it is best to have the aquarium light turned off. But not to have the fish in complete darkness, as they to need light to survive. There are certain chemicals and food that can be used to enhance the colour of your fish.

What fish has a light on his head?

There isn't really a name but fish like Angler Fish, Viperfish, etc. have light on its head

Does the fish named Hammer head has light in its head?

no that is the cookie cutter fish

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Which fish has light on top of its head to attract smaller fish?

An anglerfish

Does head light fish have light on its head?

i don't know any fish that do that but i think there's one made of gold

What type of fish does the angler fish eat?

Almost anything that is attracted to the light on its head.

What is the name of the fish that has light in its head naturally?

is a species of angler fish.

What do steel head fish eat?

Steelhead fish are also known as Rainbow trout; they typically eat just about anything they can get, but specifically like insects, fish eggs, and smaller fish.

What are the prettiest fish to keep in a freshwater aquarium?

I like neon tetras because they look really cool and different with their blue and red colors. They look like they are fake, though. It is really your choice, not mine. I like the fish named Guppy.

Which fish is a fish that has organs along it's head and body that help create light?

i think it is a type of goldfish?!?!?!?!?

What animal has organs along their head and body to create light?

lantern fish