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They can mean words like our letters are kind of like their symbols. It is just another language but sometimes there hieroglyphic symbols mean sentences.

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Q: What do hieroglyphic symbols mean?
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What do you call the picture symbols used by the ancient egyptians representing numerals?

hieroglyphic. Egyptian hieroglyphic

What is the population of hieroglyphics?

There are about 700 or so Egyptian hieroglyphic symbols.

Why might egyptians use hieroglyphic symbols?

As a form of written communication.

How do you spell hieroglphic?

The Egyptian pictographic symbols are hieroglyphics, the adjective is hieroglyphic.

How do you write in hieroglyphic symbols?

You should try to search a hieroglyphs alpahabet or transaltor

What is heroglapik?

Did you mean hieroglyphic? Relating to a system of writing, such as that of ancient Egypt, in which pictorial symbols are used to represent meaning or sounds or a combination of meaning and sound.

Are hieroglyphics letters or pictures?

Both. hieroglyphic symbols were originally pictures only, but several hundred of them evolved into phonetic symbols.

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What 2 kinds of symbols is ancient Egypt writing made up of?

Ancient Egyptian had far more than just two writing systems: Hieratic, Hieroglyphic, Demotic and then Coptic.

How was hieroglyphic different from your writing today from what cuneiform used by Mesopotamians?

it had picture symbols and ours today has no picture symbols. it different from cuneiform becuse cuneiform has more lettter symbols thhen picture

What does hieroglyphes mean?

hieroglyph comes from the Greek word meaning 'sacred carving'. The symbols are individual pictures that do not join together.A picture or symbol used in hieroglyphic writing.Something that suggests a hieroglyph.

What is a disadvantage of Egyptian hieroglyphic writing?

One disadvantage was that a writer had to learn at least 700 symbols in order to write.