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Historians study the past by examining written records and other sources to understand and interpret events. They analyze primary sources, consider different perspectives, and draw conclusions based on evidence to create an accurate and unbiased account of history.

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Q: What do historians say?
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Why do historians need to be worried about reports with bias in them?

Historians need to be concerned about reports with bias because bias can distort the accuracy and objectivity of historical information. It can lead to incomplete or misleading interpretations of events, which can impact the overall understanding of the past. Historians strive to present a balanced and unbiased view of history to ensure the integrity of their research and analysis.

How does historians think?

Historians think by analyzing and interpreting historical evidence such as documents, artifacts, and other sources to construct an understanding of the past. They often consider multiple perspectives, question established narratives, and engage in ongoing research and discussions to refine their interpretations. Historical thinking involves critical analysis, contextualization, and a commitment to representing the past accurately.

Why should explaining history be left to historians?

Historians are trained to critically analyze historical events, sources, and interpretations. They have the necessary skills to contextualize information, avoid biases, and present a balanced perspective. Leaving the explanation of history to historians helps ensure accuracy and depth in understanding the complexities of the past.

How do historians build and support their historical arguments?

Historians build and support their historical arguments by conducting extensive research, analyzing primary sources, and engaging with existing historiography. They use evidence to construct a coherent narrative and draw interpretations based on their findings. Additionally, historians explore multiple perspectives and possible explanations to provide a well-rounded argument.

What do historians research and why?

Historians research past events, people, and societies to better understand how they have shaped the present. By analyzing primary sources and evidence, historians seek to uncover patterns, causes, and effects of historical phenomena, providing insights into human behavior and societal development. Their research helps us learn from the past and make informed decisions for the future.

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some amount of bias

What month did Cleopatra die in?

Historians say that she died in August of 30 BC.

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historians say he was possibly born in 1460