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It's pretty normal why there's a game I play that's call dance dance revalution 2 for wii and you can youse your mii character and I made kyle and boy I fell in love with him. So you can make him or her like what you like and don't do drugs or swear so I'm proud of my Kyle he loves tomboy not Girly girls so it's normal for me and you!!

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Q: What do i do if you love someone that's not real?
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What are reasons to love someone?

What are reasons not to love someone?Thats the question. <3

What do you do if you're in a relationship and you love that person but you are also in love with someone else?

You can't be in love with someone else. You pick one, and thats the girl you pick.

What if someone love you more then your boyfriend?

It all depends on who that someone is. If that someone is related to, then thats to be exspected , But if that someone just so happens to be another male , then you should think about how you feel about him. If you really love your boyfriend and your boyfriend really loves you thats all that should matter.

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Just because you trust someone does not mean you love them. But, if you love someone you trust them.

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thats not a real thing either you just made it up or someone is tricking you

How can you tell someone that you love them?

just be real about it

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be real be youself and be honest

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I love werewolves thats why Iā€™m asking

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Someone who is in love with fire isn't necessarily someone who burns houses! The real answer is pyromaniac.

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Thats what Im seriously trying to find out can someone tell me?

What should you do If you are with someone but love another?

thats disgusting and utterly rude! leave that person they deserve better then you.

How do you know when you are loved?

Everyone is loved . there is always someone that loves you out there , even if you didnt notice. love forms consist of : words of affirmation: when someone speaks to you softly and carefully thats a form of love. , acts of services: when someone do something for you , like cook food that's love. gifts: when someone gifts you stuff like whither its small like chocolate or big like a diamond rigthat'ss love. , quality time:when someone give some of their time to spend with you thats love , and physical touch: when someone hug you , orgives you a pat on the shoulder thats love . Love dont have to be between you and one person everyone can give you any form of love .