

What do i use to cut down extra salt in a meat rub?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What do i use to cut down extra salt in a meat rub?
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Why should you cut down on salt?

Use a knife and cut it

How can you cut down your salt intake?

use less salt in your diet.

What you can do to cut down on salt?

Don't put it on your food.

How do you cut down on salt in your diet?

The most helpful way to cut down on salt is to never add table salt to anything. The other helpful way is to only make or purchase foods that are low in sodium.

How do you cut down protein?

if you stop eating meat,milk and eggs

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im not too sureee haha

Can meat tenderizer be used on cooked meat?

Meat tenderizer helps make the meat tender and the way to use it is to just sprinkle it on the meat like seasoning. Meat tenderizer is mainly like salt but for tenderizing meat. Tenderizers containing papain, a papya enzyme work well. For cut-up chicken,soak covered in the fridge in milk for 1-2 hours. The lactic acid will tenderize it without making it mushy.

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Cut down on the salt and sugar. Go to the gym about 3 times a week.

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Yes,plastic knives can cut meat.

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Because the meat is thicker than bread

Does cooking time increase while braising if recipe is doubled or tripled?

Yes, particularly if you have doubled or tripled the size of the cut of meat. You may want to cut down the meat into the recipe's size to ensure even cooking throughout.

What did colonial butchers do?

They prepared and sold meat by drying it, putting salt on it, and storing it. then they would sell it.