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When Our Lord appointed Peter to lead the church as the first pope he said, "I will give you the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven. . . . . " Peter is usually pictured holding two keys.

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Q: What do keys represent?
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What do the gold and silver keys represent on the pope benedict's coat of arms?

the keys represent the time when god entusted saint Peter with the keys to heaven

What do the keys on the papal flag represent?

They are keys to the kingdom of God

What do the keys represent on the wolverhampton's coat of arms?

The keys are indiciative of St Peter.

What object could represent determination?

Car keys

Why are piano keys black and white?

The piano's white keys represent the tones of the musical alphabet: A, B, C, D, E, F, G. The black keys represent half-steps between various notes (sharps and flats). Together, there are 7 white keys and 5 black keys per octave, which together represent the twelve equally spaced tones of Equal Temperament. Originally, white keys were made of ivory (white), and black keys of ebony (black). But any two contrasting colors will work. Many old keyboards present the "naturals" (lower tier) as black, and the sharps/flats (upper tier) as white!

Black keys on the piano?

what about them? they are the sharps and flats

What are characteristics of fact table?

Fact table contain at least one fact column or measurement column that represent sum or average. It contains primary keys of dimension tables as foreign keys.

What does 2 crossed skeleton keys represent?

it is a kind of cross over between a religion entertainment , and it represents spirituality. and frightenes

What do black keys on a piano look like on the sheet?

On sheet music, black keys represent the sharps and flats of regular notes, and look the same as any other notes you will see, except that the notes will have sharp or flat symbols preceding them.

In order to represent a type of relationship a third table is created using the keys from the two entities being related?

That is done in a many to many relationship.

What is the significance of the Shift characters in the Baudot character code?

The Shift characters in the Baudot character code are used to switch between letter and figure mode. This allows the same keys to represent both letters and numbers, expanding the character set that can be transmitted using the limited number of keys on early teleprinters.

What is a group of keys called?

Collective nouns are a bunch of keys, a ring of keys, a set of keys.