

What do laying hens eat?

Updated: 12/21/2022
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Q: What do laying hens eat?
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Does laying mash contain ephedrine?

NO. It would be counter productive to supply an appetite suppressant to laying hens. The whole idea of feeding the hens laying mash is to have them produce better quality eggs not get them to eat less.

How are hens useful to us?

they are useful by laying heathy eggs for people to eat p.s. good question

Is the cold weather a factor in my hens not laying?

Cold weather does effect a hens laying. when the temperature is below 55 degrees or so this can effect a hens production. Mainly though the reduction in hours of daylight causes hens to stop laying. Anything below 14 hours of daylight will cause a hen to stop laying.

What happens when you feed laying hens citus fruit?

The hens will rejoice!! Hens like fruit of any kind. They will eat the skins of most fruit also but seldom citrus. The flesh of the fruit is fair game for them however and they get good nutrients from citrus. My hens eat oranges, grapefruit and even lemons.

Do you have to have a roaster to have laying hens?

No you dont

How do you care for laying hens in the winter?

i think that they pretty smart and then where are you going to get eggs to eat from.Thats why is important. BY: keyla Medrano

Do ALL hens make a noise when they lay an egg?

No, not all hens cackle while laying.

Do you a have a rooster to have laying hens?

no. they will lay without a rooster

What are egg laying chickens called?

Layers or Hens.

How many laying hens are there in the UK?

29 million

Will it hurt for a rooster to eat layin pellets?

No The laying mash or pellets are fine for the rooster. There really is no way to stop the rooster from eating the same things you feed the hens other than keeping them separated. My hens are fed laying crumble all year long and the roosters thrive on it.

Will 2 Roosters with 4 Laying Hens slow egg production?

They shouldn't effect the process of laying eggs. It's always up to the hens attitude for that day.