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Q: What do lungfish do when there is no rain and the late dry up?
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What will happen to crops if there is no rain?

The crop will dry up and die

What are 'lungfish'?

Modern Lungfishes are in 3 families: Ceratodontidae- found in Australia, Lepidosirenidae- found in South America, and Protopteridae- found in Africa. These relict fish have elogated bodies, much like that of an eel. They have small scales, and these fish actually have paired lungs. Although these fish have lungs, Lungfish normally only use these air sacs during times of extreme stress. They have been know to stay in bodies of water that have a tendency to dry up during the summer. The Lungfish has the ability to burrow in the mud and survive by breathing with their lungs until the rain comes.

What happens when heavy rain builds up in dry sediment?

Mudflows then occur after

How do you identify a non perennial rivers?

It tends to dry-up through the lack of rain

Why would a mole not be underground after a heavy rain?

It probably had water in its burrow and came up to get dry.

Does the wind dry up the rain?

Wind necessarily doesn't "dry up" the rain but it helps to move around water particles, this is something people in humid areas experience a lot. Wind also helps aid the evaporation of water and other natural processes.

What happens if there is too little of rain?

plants and crops would dry up and we wouldn't have a food source

What can cause the Connecticut River to dry up?

the sun It can also be caused by a lack of rain or drought or possibly a blockage further up river.

Do cacti grow at Arizona's high elevations?

Yes, they can if it is dry ,hot ,and not a lot of rain . Even if it is high up.

What effects the rain shadow effect?

The rain shadow equals rain

How do you save dried up magnolia potted tree?

If the tree is dried up it is too late . If the soil is dry soak it and see what happens.

Does wearing leather jackets in the rain ruin it?

Not permanently. But they be stiff for awhile until you get the leather loosened up again. Rub in some leather conditioner after the jacket is completely dry. Dry it slowly. If you periodically condition the leather in normal use the effects of the rain will be a lot less