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Q: What do male giraffes use their necks for other than eating?
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7 During the mating season male giraffes slam their necks together in fighting bouts to determine which male is stronger and can therefore mate with females?

During the mating season, male giraffes slam their necks together in fighting bouts to determine which male is stronger and can therefore mate with females.

The differences of male and female giraffes?

Sexual dimorphism among giraffes comes in the form of females having shorter and lighter necks than their male counterparts.

Why do giraffes have long neck?

Answer The short answer is that one way or another, having a long neck became an advantage for survival. Beyond that, opinions differ. The old theory stated that the long necks allowed giraffes to eat leaves out of reach from other animals. Less competition about food can be a survival advantage. As explanations goes, this has some weaknesses. There are plenty of other animals living alongside giraffes that seems to be doing just fine w/o reaching that high. A newer theory is that it's more about breeding rights. Male giraffes fight by standing close to each other and swing their heads into each other. Here, a longer neck is a definite fighting advantage, and you get the elevated grazing as a side effect. Answer So it can reach the trees and vegetation that in the giraffe's native home is usually growing taller to allow for air movement underneath the plant to help with the temp. Answer Giraffes have a long neck as there is much competition for food and by having long necks, they can reach higher branches that other animals cannot get to. Answer Long necks are an evolutionary change which has happened to giraffes over a long period of time. They have long necks is because giraffes love green juicy leaves but the juicy leaves are at the very top where none of the other animals can reach. The giraffes have to reach to the top to get the juicy leaves that is why their long necks help them eat.

What do male giraffes fight with?

Legs, and heads using there long necks and swinging there heads,bashing there component's in the ribs and stomach . kicking there legs forwards..

Why giraffes haves long necks?

Answer The short answer is that one way or another, having a long neck became an advantage for survival. Beyond that, opinions differ. The old theory stated that the long necks allowed giraffes to eat leaves out of reach from other animals. Less competition about food can be a survival advantage. As explanations goes, this has some weaknesses. There are plenty of other animals living alongside giraffes that seems to be doing just fine w/o reaching that high. A newer theory is that it's more about breeding rights. Male giraffes fight by standing close to each other and swing their heads into each other. Here, a longer neck is a definite fighting advantage, and you get the elevated grazing as a side effect. Answer So it can reach the trees and vegetation that in the giraffe's native home is usually growing taller to allow for air movement underneath the plant to help with the temp. Answer Giraffes have a long neck as there is much competition for food and by having long necks, they can reach higher branches that other animals cannot get to. Answer Long necks are an evolutionary change which has happened to giraffes over a long period of time. They have long necks is because giraffes love green juicy leaves but the juicy leaves are at the very top where none of the other animals can reach. The giraffes have to reach to the top to get the juicy leaves that is why their long necks help them eat.

Are giraffe's bisexual?

Giraffes are not technically bisexual. Rather, male giraffes will sometimes engage in snuggling or other mating behavior with other males, but all of them eventually go on to mate with female giraffes.

What is a giraffes kneck used for?

Besides holding up its head, and allowing air, food, and water to pass from the head to the body, a giraffes neck has some unique functions. A giraffe's neck is very long to allow it to reach leaves that are high up in the trees. Male giraffes also use their necks to fight, swinging them and hitting their opponents in the neck.

What do male giraffes eat?

Male giraffes eat the same food as female giraffes. All giraffes are herbivores and primarily eat leaves, grazing on the foliage of trees in the African bush. They prefer plants of the Mimosa (acacia) genus and combretum species, but they feed on the leaves of over 100 varieties of plants. They also eat berries and fruits from trees when they are in season. Their long necks enable them to reach the treetops, which are out of reach of other herbivores. Although herbivorous, giraffes are known to visit carcasses and lick dried meat off bones. See the related link below for more information.

Does a giraffe have a long neck?

Answer The short answer is that one way or another, having a long neck became an advantage for survival. Beyond that, opinions differ. The old theory stated that the long necks allowed giraffes to eat leaves out of reach from other animals. Less competition about food can be a survival advantage. As explanations goes, this has some weaknesses. There are plenty of other animals living alongside giraffes that seems to be doing just fine w/o reaching that high. A newer theory is that it's more about breeding rights. Male giraffes fight by standing close to each other and swing their heads into each other. Here, a longer neck is a definite fighting advantage, and you get the elevated grazing as a side effect. Answer So it can reach the trees and vegetation that in the giraffe's native home is usually growing taller to allow for air movement underneath the plant to help with the temp. Answer Giraffes have a long neck as there is much competition for food and by having long necks, they can reach higher branches that other animals cannot get to. Answer Long necks are an evolutionary change which has happened to giraffes over a long period of time. They have long necks is because giraffes love green juicy leaves but the juicy leaves are at the very top where none of the other animals can reach. The giraffes have to reach to the top to get the juicy leaves that is why their long necks help them eat.

Are male giraffes stronger than female giraffes?

They probably are as they are taller and heavier.

Do female giraffes live longer than male giraffes?

Female giraffes live longer than males.

Do only male giraffes do necking?
