

What do manitees eat?

Updated: 10/9/2023
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6y ago

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manatees are a fancy word for cats :3

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Q: What do manitees eat?
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Why are manitees endaigered?

Manitees are endangered because they were hunted, hit by boats, or caught in fishing lines.

When will manatees be extict?

Manitees are endangered

What is the name of a manitees babies?

A baby manatee is called a sea calf lllike a cow.

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Which type of animals need s to come to the surface zone to breathe?

Whales, dolphins and manitees aka: marine mammals

Do manitees live in salt water?

Manatees are actually freshwater mammals, though they have been known to venture out to sea, they typically live in rivers and lakes. ^_^

What role do algae play in this food web bets?

Algae, a microrganism (a tiny organism) serves as food for small aquantic creatures such as krill and shrimp, and these small organisms serve as food for larger animals such as whales and manitees. Basically, algae serves as food for small animals, and these animals serve as food for large animals, which keeps the food chain balanced, with the provider, in this case the algae, at the bottom, and the primary (manitees) and secondary (whales) consumers are at the middle and the top.

What is the rank of Florida in the nation?

Florida has the lowest average level above sea level of any state. Florida ranks first in the US for number of alligators and manitees living in the wild. There are other rankings that you can get by looking on Wiki Answers to other people identical question . . .

Names of some wild animals?

Gorillas, snakes, kangaroos, bears, alligators, wolves, wild cats, deers, beavers, coyotes, giraffes, elephants and leopards. does wild cats inclued lions and tigers? theres fish, seals, manitees, and many many more.

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eat it eat it eat it eat it eat it eat it eat it eat it eat it

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it means eat eat i eat eat i owned

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because they eat! its obvious, they eat.