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Q: What do masculine words end in?
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Words in masculine form end in an "a" True or False?

False. Feminine words end in "a" while masculine words end in an "o"

Is banco a feminine or masculine?

Banco is masculine as are most words that end in O

When do we use el and la in spanish?

In Spanish, "el" is the masculine definite article used before masculine singular nouns, while "la" is the feminine definite article used before feminine singular nouns. These articles are used to indicate the gender of the noun.

How do you tell the difference between feminine and masculine words in french?

In French, you can often identify feminine words by the presence of the suffixes such as -e, -ion, -tion, -té, -elle, -ude, etc. However, the best way to learn the gender of a word is to memorize it along with the vocabulary.

What do French masculine words end in?

French masculine words often end in consonants such as -t, -s, or -r. Some examples include "chien" (dog), "chat" (cat), and "livre" (book).

Is mapa a feminine or masculine in spanish?

You can usually tell it is a feminine because of the at the end of the word!Unfortunately, this is one of those exceptions to this rule. It it actually masculine. Words ending in "a" that are derived from Greek are masculine. Usually these are words that end in "ema" or "ama", but "el mapa" also falls under this category.Among others are el planeta, el sistema, el dia....

What letters can feminine and masculine spanish words end in?

Feminine Spanish words commonly end in -a, -d, -z, -ión, -dad, while masculine words often end in -o, -r, -l, -n, -e. These are general patterns, but there are exceptions.

Is information in french masculine?

No. L'information, like most words in French that end in "tion", is feminine.

Is the word ojo in spanish masculine or feminine?

Masculine. Normally, nouns that end in O in Spanish are masculine.

How is a word masculine or feminine in spanish?

In Spanish, the gender of a word is mostly determined by its ending. Words that end in -o are generally masculine, while words that end in -a are generally feminine. However, there are exceptions to this rule, and some words have a fixed gender that cannot be altered. Additionally, some words that refer to living beings may have different genders depending on the biological sex of the subject being referred to.

Is closet masculine or feminine?

It is masculine because it does not end in an e.

Is PARC masculine or feminine in french?

le parc. It is masculine.