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Q: What do mayfly larva need for survival?
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How is the body of a mayfly larva adapted so it is not washed away by fast flowing waves?

they have wings

Can you be allergic to mayfly larva?

no, it is impossible, they cannot live in the human body, and they do not bite humans, but, they might carry pollen and dust on their bodies

Why is the mosquito important to the survival of the grizzly bear?

fish eat misquito larva

How to turn in to larva girl?

To turn into a larva girl you need the larva girl's costumes and the red wig.

Why a mayfly cannot eat?

why cannot a mayfly eat

What is the purpose of the larva of the mosquito?

Mosquito need to reproduce to survive...larva is one of the steps of this process.

Can a fish eat a mayfly Nymph?

yes a fish can eat a mayfly Nymph.

How does a Mayfly Nymph breathe?

A Mayfly Nymph breathes with gills on the side of their body.

What are Hendrickson mayfly nymphs called?

Spiny crawler is what the Hendrickson mayfly (Ephemerella subvaria) nymph is called.Specifically, the nymph is the immature developmental stage of the mayfly. It is what hatches out of the eggs laid by the female after mating with the male Hendrickson mayfly. It looks like a developing, smaller version of the mature Hendrickson mayfly.

What is mayfly nymph?

what is this

What are the 3 stages of a mayfly life cycle?

Egg, larva, adult. The larvae are aquatic, which is why the adults are always close to water - they don't live very long, as their mouths seal up after molting into their winged form. They just mate, lay eggs and die.

How tall is a mayfly?
