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Q: What do mining companies do with their minerals when they mine?
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How do you spell mining?

The correct spelling is "mining" (process or industry of gathering minerals from a mine).

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What is difference between mine management and mining management?

Mine Management refers to the mineral that is yet to be mined while mining management refers to the process of mining the minerals in question.

What are the pros and cons of mining for minerals and ores?

dont mine. the evil monkey will get you.

What is a step like part of a mine where minerals are beig extracted?

Strip Mining.

Can mining companies make or cannot make repairs to land after the mine is used?

Mining companies can and should reinstate the land after they have mined it.

What are two main reasons to mine for minerals?

Most mineral ores are under the surface. Mining minerals can be profitable.

What other considerations other than economic might prohibit or limit the mining of certain minerals as minerals are nonrenewable resources?

There really isn't much of a reason, as whether we mine the minerals now or later, we would end up with the same amount. Because of this, companies see no problem with trying to be the first to mine as much of as they can. The only reason they might limit this is because it is horrible for the environment to mine and use minerals like coal. Companies generally don't mind this much though.

What are some of the mining companies?

Here is a few of the top mining companies: Adani Mining, Bechtel, Bhp Billiton, Rio Tinto, Hancock Prospecting, Newmount, OZ minerals, Yancoal and GVK.

Why do companies mine minerals?

To obtain materials that are needed for modern life. The computer you are using to read this contains 34 different materials that were obtained from mining. Remember- if it was not grown from a plant, someone mined it.

Why is open mining cheaper than deep mining?

it is cheaper because for deep mining ,the more deeper the minerals lies, the more difficult it is to discover and the more expensive to mine

What do mining companies mine?

Everything from Gold, Silver, Copper, Coal, to Diamonds, Cobalt, Copper, Uranium. has mining directory.