

What do most guys look for in girls?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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11y ago

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Previous answer:"Look for looks, inner beauty and intelligence." Another answer:... Sorry about that girls, I was on here reading the reverse question (as i'm a guy), and out of curiosity I clicked on this question and found that. I found pages and pages on the reverse question and decided that this answer was very unfair to you. How about we try this one again huh? Maybe with a little more detail since we all know that's what you came here looking for...

Guys look for a lot of different things in girls. Let's be realistic here and admit that some guys are just shallow and just want a nice body, but at the same time, lets also be realistic and see that that portion is the vast minority. While "Look for looks, inner beauty and intelligence" is mostly true, I know at least for me there's a lot more to it then that.

Guys are often initially attracted to a girl by physical features but once you catch their (our) attention, we will start looking for a lot more than that. Once a guy has noticed a girl, he will often start to look for similarities between himself and her that would make her entertaining to be around such as: maybe she likes to play sports as well, or maybe you're both interested in the same genre of music. Rarely will people be happy together when they don't enjoy any of the same things. If you're trying to catch a guy's attention, try to find those similarities and make them more obvious and seemingly numerous. We're often a little dense on the uptake on these clues so you may really have to make it an effort. If you like a song and you see that he does too, make it obvious that you enjoy it and there will be a connection that will often have you both smiling, and if you see that happening: you're definitely off in a good direction.

As far as physical attraction goes, every guy has different attractions and different levels of importance he puts into that department. I think that if I were to try to generalize what most guys find attractive in a girl, it would be that she looks like she cares about herself and takes care of herself. Many guys don't necessarily look for an overly skinny girl, but most guys don't want a girl that looks like she just doesn't care. What all of you girls out there need to realize at this point is that our definitions of skinny and not, usually differ a lot from you'rs. You're your own worst critic, and what to you may look like unattractive, may be exactly what some guy was checking out this morning thinking looks real good. Once again though, every guy has a different view of whats attractive. One guy may make a big deal of of nice hair and the next guy may be so into your facial shape that he doesn't notice your hair. The one overall thing that takes care of all of these guy's wants though is to take care of yourself. You don't need to have a six pack or the smooth abs of a goddess, but eat healthy, do some moderate activity and/or exercise and you'll stay within most guys happy zone. You don't need to spend hundreds on fancy shampoos and hair products, but take care of your hair, wash it regularly enough and brush it or whatever you do for your particular hairstyle and just make it look like you care about taking care of yourself. You also don't need to spend hundreds or all of your time taking care of acne or other skin issues but as long as you wash your face enough and take care of it, once again, you'll land well within most guys happy zone.

Smell as Beautiful as we already think you are! - Another very important thing to many guys is smell, and its not so much that we're turned off by girl body odor (often because we can't smell it, remember how inferior our noses are in comparison to yours), but it that we're often... I hate to use the phrase "turned on" but for the sake of contrast we'll run with it... Guys really like a good smelling girl. A good perfume and just a clean girly smell will really get our attention and if that's what you're looking to do, that may be a quick and easy path to take. Guys are usually not nearly as picky about these things as girls are and you'll often be a lot better off than you think.

Smile! - One thing most guys find really attractive in girls they end up with is their smile. Something difficult about this one is that it seems like its just some girls smiles that just knock a guy off his feet, and an equally beautiful girl's smile might not do anything for the guy. However girls, if your smile doesn't seem to do anything for one guy, don't forget about the guy across the room that's heart skips a beat every time he catches a glimpse of those pearly whites. And speaking of pearly whites, remember that you're your own worst critic and realize that we are probably a lot less likely to notice that crooked tooth than you are when you're checkin' them out in the mirror every morning. We're also probably a lot more into girls with braces than you are so don't be so deathly afraid of us seeing them if you've got 'em. What is noticeable however is that you look like you take care of yourself, and its one thing if you have a piece of food stuck in your teeth one evening (which will more than likely just make the guy smile), while its another if you never brush and he notices that.

Laugh! - You may find your laugh embarrassing or obnoxious, and maybe even some guys do, but chances are there's a guy that's heard it before that got flat out knocked off his feet by it, and was/is either too shy to say something about it or doesn't want to make you uncomfortable by mentioning it because he knows that you don't like it. Don't be ashamed of yourself or any of the things about you as far as laugh or smile or things of that nature. You may find those things unattractive, and chances are that you've met someone else that agrees, but there's someone out there that it drives them crazy for you, and chances are good that he's right in front of you thinking that at this very moment... (probably not right now while you're reading this, but at this moment in your life of course!). Letting your real laugh out at least on occasion shows a guy that you really can enjoy things and you're not caught up in hiding yourself away from the world. If a guy wants to get to know you, he wants to get to know all of you, and if he's one that's really right for you, he'll love every bit of the personality you let out.

Things Change - Another thing to keep in mind is that things change and people's situations change and all of these things guys are looking for are changing. If you spend your whole day trying to catch the attention of some guy and he shows no interest, it may be that he's distracted about his family matters or his work or school or (hopefully not because this gets really complicated and difficult) maybe he's trying to get over his last crush, relationship, or full on love. If at first you don't succeed try, try again. Now before I or your imaginations go any further, I need to put a limitation on that statement. This also depends on the guy of course and his situation and firstly, if he's really into someone, and its going well, you probably won't get anywhere but hurt with the try try again tactic. Persistence will only work if he's in a direction that is changing away from the other things and may possible turn towards you. If a guy is really into some girl he's been into for a while, and its going well chances are: the reason he isn't noticing you is because he doesn't notice anyone but her, so don't feel too bad about it because the problem probably isn't you. In this situation, "fish in the sea"... My point in this paragraph is that I see girls all the time go after a guy for one evening and then give up and never give him a second chance to notice. We're slow sometimes girls, ill be the first to admit it, I think most of us guys feel like we go through our whole single lives blindfolded looking for a teddy bear in a room full of porcupines! And if we miss you once, we may need a second chance to catch that hint, maybe at a time when we aren't still holding our bleeding hand from the last time we reached for the wrong teddy bear. We may just need to see some other wonderful feature about you that some other circumstances would showcase, but we didn't see before. For example we may meet you in a class or at work and not notice anything special, but upon further interaction we find out that you're our musical soul-mate and that we have so much in common with regards to that that there are countless hours of music listening to be done or discussion to be had. Try to engage in activities that will show you off to the guy you want to notice.

Be Yourself! - Acting like someone other than you will never get you anywhere you want to be. Even if you act really loud and like the life of the party and it gets you noticed, if that's not you all the way through, the guys that noticed are not gonna be interested when the real you comes out, and that guy who is looking for the real you already left the building because he saw something other than what he was looking for. If you are the life of the party: Be the life of the party! If you are the wall flower: Be the wall flower! If you are somewhere in the middle: Be somewhere in the middle! The guy that you are gonna want in the end is gonna seek you out in whichever of the positions you take.

Be Confident! - Refer to the three paragraphs about smiling, laughing, and being yourself. If you're trying to get noticed, then get noticed! If you're smiling and laughing and being yourself, it'll sure make it easier on that "Prince Charming" of yours running around grabbing porcupines to spot you in the crowd!

Now there's one more thing - that I feel needs to be in this entry. This one last thing is arguably the most important one of anything on this list which is probably because it often encompasses several of the other things mentioned. Stop Putting Up With So Much!!! I see girls every day that put up with guys doing one thing or another with regards to treating them poorly, and they take them back time and time again! I guess it does have to do with this subject because that's something that I love about some of the girls I know is that they finally started being confident, gained some sense of self worth, and took care of themselves! Now i'm a guy, and I know i'm far from perfect, and I know that so are most of my fellow guys. But there is a bit fat obvious line between making a mistake, and being a Deuchebag to a girl. Listen to your friends, they're usually right. Listen more to your guy friends about boy advice than your girls. Your girls are often just as boy-dumb as you are (no offense to you or your girlfriends but we all know what situations i'm talking about), and your guy friends will be able to tell the difference in guy behaviors. Listen to your parents, brothers, sisters, and other family because not only are they the objective third party, they want what's best for you. And this is turning into a little soapbox rant on my part so sorry for that but if you're watching a friend go through one of these situations, do what you can to help them out. Guys are supposed to make you feel beautiful and loved and wanted and cared for/about on a daily basis, and if your guy or some other girl's guy is doing anything other, he doesn't deserve her. Now for the guys reading this: listen to that and take it as advice because one day the girls that get treated poorly will read this or just realize what they're missing and those Deuchebags are gonna end up all alone unless they change their tune.

Anyway, I hope that helps you find what you were looking for when you asked this question and/or clicked on this question.


A guy

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Hear, hear! "A guy" is brilliant, especially when he says, "stop putting up with so much!".

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It really depends on the girl. But most girls like guys that are funny,nice,smart,and sensitive. Other girls might like a "bad boy" someone who is tough and strong. So i hope that helps.

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Someone to really get to know...

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