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to search stuff

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Q: What do most people use google for?
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What type of people use Google the most?

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most people just use character map or google.

Is Google a virus?

Its just a search engine, most people use it.

Do you think that Google Wave is really going to take off - or will most people find it too complicated?

My opinion is that people won't use it because they think it's much easier to use regular Google. In addition, some people won't have the time to do "google wave".

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Is eyeplorer better then Google?

Most people use google.Who know's? It doesn't matter because some people like Eyeplorer better than Google and some people like Google better than Eyeplorer. What do youthink is better?

How many people use email from Google account?

ahhh , it has to be billions of people because google is like the worlds most realiable data finder it has more than a trillion answers .(:

Which search engine did you use most?

the last answer talked about internet browsing software, not search engines. i use google the most, but some people prefer Yahoo! or Bing

When do people use Google?


Do people trust the website Google?

Lots of people use Google so they must trust it.

Are you familiar with Google?

Most people are

How many people use Google search in Thailand?

i am a Thai and i've come to India so i can tell that a lakh people use google