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Q: What do myelin sheath membranes lack which makes them good insulators?
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What makes myelin in the CNS and PNS?

CNS: oligodendrocytes make the myelin, they cooperate in the formation of a myelin sheath along the axon, this is the process of myelination. Each oligodendrocyte produces segments of several axons.PNS: schwann cells make the myelin, each schwann cell can myelinate one segment of a single axon and they work together ot form the myelin sheath.

Are muscles and glands myelinated?

Muscles and glands are not myelinated. It is the axon of a neuron that is myelinated. The myelin forms a layer called myelin sheath that makes the nervous system function properly.

What part of the neuron is sometimes myelinated?

Myelin Sheath is basically fat-containing cells that insulates the neurons from any electric impulses that travel along the nerves and makes sure that the impulses do not jump between close nerves

The material surrounding the axon that increases the speed of the nerve impulse is?

there is a myein sheath which is a bit constricted inwards at regular intevals, revealing a bit of axon. the sheath between 2 of such constrictions makes up a schwann cell.

What protects the myelin sheath?

The myelin sheath, an insulating layer around the axon of a neuron, is mainly made up of H20 (40%); the dry mass of myelin is made up of mostly lipids (70 - 80%), and the rest is proteins (30 - 15%). There are three types of myelin protein, one of which is myelin basic protein. The lipid that mostly makes up myelin is called galactocerebroside.

Why is a high fever dangerous?

The cells in your brain are called neurons. The White Matter of your brain is composed of neurons that have a myelin sheath on them (this makes the impulse travel faster). The myelin sheath is made up of lipids (fats). Fat melts when it gets hot. So, essentially, if your brain gets too hot, it will melt. That would be bad.

Why is the myelin sheath so important to the nervous system?

Myelin is a fatty substance that insulates and protects nerve cells and allows them to transmit electrical signals quickly.

What is a neuron identify the parts of the neuron and their functions?

there's the axon (the nerve) the electrical impulse goes down that and covering the axon is the myelin sheath, otherwise known as a fatty sheath which insulates and helps make the electrical impulse go faster. In between each myelin sheath there are synapses (gaps between each one) and the impulse has to cross the gap so neurotransmitters are released which bind to receptors on the other side creating another electrical impulse which makes it travel even faster.

How does the presence of myelin help axons work?

Myelin makes it easier for acons to transmit signals- it speeds there work.

Would conduction speed of a nerve fiber be the fastest in a large or small myelinated fiber?

Yes. Myelinated fibers have a myelin sheath around them which keeps the impulse from scattering and on a direct path. This makes the impulse travel faster than unmyelinated fibers.

What is the function of myelin sheath?

The function of the myelin sheath is to insulate the axon of the neuron. When there are gaps in the sheath, known as nodes of Ranvier, the nerve impulse can jump from gap to gap, thus increasing greatly the speed of conduction of the nerve impulse. This is known as saltatory conduction.

What colour is the white matter?

white... what makes it white? Myelin in the myelinated axon.