

What do neurotransmitters do?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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it can get impulses from the axons to the dendrites

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Jimmy Mueller

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1y ago
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12y ago

They provide a signal to or from the brain to the neurons in the body in response to a stimulus such and being burned. The neurotransmitters send a signal to the brain that there is pain and the brain sends back a signal to the muscles to move the hand away from the heat.

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9y ago

They are present in the synapse. They facilitate the conduction of the impulse across the neurons.

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The relationship between drugs an the transmission of neurotransmitters is that the drugs can interfere with the work of the neurotransmitters.

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Neurotransmitters to the synapse and the neurotransmitters bind with the receptors releasing the second messengers.

Certain mental problems are thought to be caused by not having enough neurotransmitters. Why would a lack of neurotransmitters cause problems?

Neurotransmitters send signals from neuron to neuron

Are there neurotransmitters in our intestines and organs?

Yes, neurotransmitters are found wherever nerves are found.

What are neurotransmitters that affect a neuron's response to other neurotransmitters called?

These are typically known as neuromodulators; they can either change the rate at which a neurotransmitter is released, or alter the response to a certain neurotransmitters.

What is it called when neurotransmitters are recycled?

The process of recycling neurotransmitters is known as reuptake. This is when neurotransmitters are taken back up into the presynaptic neuron after they have been released into the synaptic cleft.

Action potentials trigger the release of chemicals in the terminal buttons called?

neurotransmitters. These neurotransmitters are released into the synaptic cleft to relay signals to the next neuron in the communication pathway.

What is excitatory messages?

There are two kinds of neurotransmitters - INHIBITORY and EXCITATORY. Excitatory neurotransmitters are not necessarily exciting - they are what stimulate the brain. Those that calm the brain and help create balance are called inhibitory. Inhibitory neurotransmitters balance mood and are easily depleted when the excitatory neurotransmitters are overactive.

Why would a lack of neurotransmitters cause problems?

neurotransmitters send signals from neuron to neuron