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They have 22 chromosome pairs or 44 chromosome and 2 sex cell.

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Q: What do normal Karyotype look like?
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What would trisomy 21 look like in a karyotype?

The trisomy 21 in a karyotype would look like extra chromosome 21 I ^^

How does a normal karyotype looks like?

Two straight lines

What is achondroplasia's karyotype?

It is the same as a normal person's karyotype.

How many autosomes are present in a normal human karyotype?

There are 46 chromosomes in a human Karyotype.

How many autosomes are in a normal karyotype?


Describe a normal karyotype and a abnormal karyotype?

A normal karyotype will show all 23 chromosomes at normal growth, and the end will show an either XY (boy) or XX (girl). Karyotypes of people with autosomal diseases and other diseases associated with chromosomes will show abnormalities on that certain chromosome. For example, Down syndrome is caused by a whole extra chromosome on chromosome 21. This extra chromosome can be seen on the karyotype.

What is the diploid number of chromosomes for a normal bug karyotype?

what is the 2n chromosome number for a normal bug

Can a karyotype reveal turner syndrome?

Yes. A karyotype will show the chromosomes and an affected person will have XXY instead of XY for a normal male.

What is the difference between karyogram and karyotype?

karyogram is the picture of all chromosomes, karyotype is the description (eg. normal human female is 46, XX

How many chromosomes are shown in a normal karyotype?

I believe the answer to your question is 23.

What pair of chromosomes is not homologous in a normal male karyotype?

sex chromosomes

What type of diagnosis is from a karyotype?

A karyotype tells you if you have the normal ammont of chromosomes (46 for humans), it can also tell you if you have more or less and if this is the case what it is that you have. The most common syndrome would be Down Syndrome, or trisomy 21. Down Syndrome is also called trisomy 21 because if you look at a karyotype from someone that has this syndrome then they have three coppies of the 21st chromosome.