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Probably nothing, while many religious orders have a policy on what to wear in public, and some even go so far as to define undergarments, it is unlikely that any go so far as to discuss what to wear in the shower.

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Q: What do nuns wear when they shower?
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What did nuns wear?

a habit

Which nuns were white?

Roman Catholic AnswersMany nuns wear white: Cisterians and Carthusians among others. Also, most nuns, regardless of the color of their habit will wear a white veil before they are professed. There are also many sisters who wear white, such as Dominicans, but they are not nuns.

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Yes, nuns as well as most people wear pajamas.

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They are supposed to wear habits, but many choose not to.

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Different orders wear different colors, Benedictine nuns wear black, Cistercian nuns were white, and there are others. Regardless of the color, the entire "outfit", if you will, is called a habit, you can see more of an explanation at the link below:

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