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Q: What do nurses use the most and why?
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What machines do neonatal nurses use?

Nurses use incubators.

What are some personal protective equipment that nurses use?

Nurses use gloves and medical masks.

What do hospice nurses give most for pain?

Roxanol is used most by hospice nurses to control pain.

What clothes do neonatal nurses wear?

In Southern England, Blue Scrubs. == Neonatal nurses, like most nurses, wear scrubs when working clinically. The contrast for neonatal nurses is, that the Neonatal ICU, where neonatal nurses work, is considered a "clean" environment. This requires neonatal nurses in most hospitals to wear hospital supplied scrubs, whereas most other nurses wear their personal scrubs.

What were most of the female military personnel in Vietnam?

As medical staff.

How do nurses and doctors use algebra?

Often times doctors and nurses will use algebra to calculate doses or titrations of solutions.

What do nurses use to get out splinters?

you can use tweesers and a needle

What machines do nurses use?


What type of clothes do nurses use?


What technology do nurses use today?


Do people admire nurses?

Yes. Most people admire nurses over doctors for a number of reasons.

How many nurses are there in the Philippines?

Not enough. Most of our nurses find work overseas, mainly in the United States.