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Well if you're talking about character traits then they're features about you on the outside. This means you might have pretty hazel eyes or lots of freckles or pretty hair. I don't really know what you look like but I'm just saying in general.

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11y ago

The sum of a the observable traits in an Organism is called its phenotype. (not to be confused with genotype which is the traits coded for in an organism)

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10y ago

A trait's observable expression in an organism is called a phenotype.

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The observable traits are part of your DNA, your genetics.

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Observable traits refer to an obvious trait that a person possesses. These traits include hair color and eye color.

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The phenotype of an organism does what?

The phenotype of an organism is the physical expression of its genetic traits, influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. It includes observable characteristics such as behavior, appearance, and chemical properties. The phenotype is a result of interactions between an organism's genes and its environment.

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yes and it's traits

What are an individual's observable traits called?

genotype or phenotype

What is another name for an observable feature or characteristic of an organism?

Inherited features of an organism include eye color, hair color and skin color. While everyone has their own features, the make up of our features are determined by genetics.

What best describes phenotypes?

traits. your welcome! yall lil cheaters! lol (:

What is phenotypically?

The observable traits or characteristics of an organism, for example hair color, weight, or the presence or absence of a disease. Phenotypic traits are not necessarily genetic.

How do the constancy hypothesis and blending hypothesis for transmission of traits differ from observable patterns of inheritance?

The constancy hypothesis posits that offspring inherit traits solely from one parent, while blending hypothesis suggests a blending of parental traits in offspring. Observable patterns of inheritance, such as Mendelian genetics, show that traits are inherited through discrete units (genes) that are passed on unchanged from parent to offspring. These patterns do not support the constancy or blending hypotheses.