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In my opinion, parents and children want "Love" from each other. I do certainly believe that they all love each other and take care of each other. That's is a "Family" which is a place where we all belong.

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Q: What do parents and children want from each other?
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Why do parents want their children to be accountans?

Sometimes, parents want to choose their children's lives FOR them, and that's wrong. Some parents want doctors, lawyers and even soldiers, but those decisions are up to their children.

How do parents take care of their babies?

It depends on if their parents want their children or not.

Why do parents not let children what they want?

Parents don't let children do and have whatever they want because learning limits is part of what responsible parents need to teach children. They also put limits on their children for other reasons, like the child's safety. If parents don't teach their children that they can't have and do whatever they want, when the child becomes an adult, they will certainly learn it or find themselves in some type of trouble, such as being in jail, homeless, or any number of undesirable situations. Believe it or not, parents who put limits on their children, teach them to be responsible, etc. love their children and care about their safety and their futures.

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because they want there best for their children and want them to succeed in life

What did Mary Cassatt want the world to know?

That mothers and children love each other.

What if your parents get angry if you tell them you don't want children?

That's their problem, NOT yours! If you come from a large family, remind them that they have OTHER children who can give them grandchildren!

Parents are more patient with their own children or with children of other people?

I think parents are more patience with their own children because parents want to know/feel what their child is going to do in next few minutes.not about other people's child Other people's kids. You know your own child so you know where the limit is but you show more patience with someone elses because you don't know them and their limits and don't want them to feel bad.

Why is it that a lot of university professors are married and have children these days?

The same reason any other professional is married and has children, some want to have children and be parents, and some don't want to because it's too much responsibility.

Why are children cruel to each other?

Because they are children and are not yet socialized. Children learn from their parents. The parents are setting the role model example for their kids. When my son was growing, I constantly asked myself, 'would I want to be my own parent' - worked wonders ... great kid now in his 20's and respects everyone. BECAUSE THEY ARE KIDS!!!!!!! THEY ARE TOO YOUNG TO UBDERSTAND CRUELNESS!!!

What happens to Romeo's lover?

well in the film they kill each other because their parents do not want them to see each other again so they killed each other so that they could be together forever

What is the working parent now looking to have for their children?

Working parents want their children to have success in school and the opportunity to participate in team sports or other after school activities if the children choose to. Working parents would like their children to be happy and comfortable with the fact that their parents are working to enhance the overall quality of life for the family.

Do parents have to listen to their children's opinion?

Not if they don't want to.