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Q: What do people do in vaisakhi?
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Who celebrate vaisakhi?

Sikh people celebrate Vaisakhi.

What happens at a Vaisakhi?

there is a parade and some dancing

What are the main colours seen on vaisakhi?


What time does the vaisakhi start?

at 12:00 onwards.

What day do Sikhs have the Vaisakhi?

A day that consists of 24 hours

How do Sikh celebrate Vaisakhi?

Why would you wanna know you saddo!

What happens at vaisakhi?

Vaisakhi is the day of celebrations of new crops and new season.

When was the khalsa created?

The Khalsa were created in April, 1699 at the festival of Vaisakhi.

Why are vaisakhi and pesach celebrated?

For Pesach (Passover), see this answer: Why is Pesach celebrated?

What are the things used in vaisakhi?

They use the things to show that they actually care about their religion and faith.

How does vaisakhi change the life of a believer?

the believer has to really put there whole life into what they believe

Which holiday marks the beginning of the new spring year and the end of the harvest in India?
