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I have never had a doctor give me a shot. It has always been a nurse or assistant.

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Q: What do people do when the doctor gives theme a shot?
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What do people do when the dr gives them a shot?


What might people do when the doctor giving them a shot?


What kind of shot does the doctor gives you after you have a c section?

they give you a antiavcondgen it helps relive pain.

What do people do when doctor giving them a shot?

Sit down and wait for the doctor to finish I would imagine.

When you should retake your Depo-Provera shot?

You should get your depo provera shot every three months. My doctor gives me a chart every time I go in so I know the exact dates to go in for the shot. Maybe your doctor could give you one as well. They're extremely helpful!

Who shot Doctor Who?

The Seventh Doctor was shot by a gang member in the 1996 Television Movie.

His eyes shot daggers at you when he was mad?

This means that when he is mad, he gives a piercing, angry look at people.

How do adults play doctor?

you play doctor like have a fake stethoscope, tongue depressors, fake shot, doctor outfits, and 3 people. One for receptionist, the second one for nurse, and third for the doctor.

How do i play?

you play doctor like have a fake stethoscope, tongue depressors, fake shot, doctor outfits, and 3 people. One for receptionist, the second one for nurse, and third for the doctor.

What questions do the doctors ask when you get your 6 grade shot?

Usually a nurse gives you the shot. Some schools have the school nurse do it, so you may not even see a doctor. If you do it will be a general physical just to make sure you are healthy.

What is the theme of the shot at it?

If you try hard you can achieve your goal

If you are on the depo shot what does it mean if you are throwing up a lot?

It means you may not be tolerating the shot. You need to see your doctor about changing your method of contraception. It can make some people slightly nauseous, but if you are vomiting a lot you should see your doctor quite soon.