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Q: What do people eat for Wesak?
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What do people eat at wesak?

On Wesak day, the people will eat fresh fruit and vegetables. Meat is avoided and often a special drink called cha is made for Buddhists.

At wesak what do people wear?

They wear simple red and black What is wesak anyway?

Who celebrates Wesak?

buddhist people

What do you do at Wesak?

Wesak is basically the major buddhist event where lord buddha was bron, atained enlightenment and died, wesak is a celebration of his life and is a time where all meet together and go to the pansal(temple ) and eat have fun, make a wesak koodowa (a large elaborate lantern) its very special and magical you should go

Is wesak a religion?

No, Wesak is not a religion. It is a significant annual festival celebrated by Buddhists around the world, commemorating the birth, enlightenment, and death of Gautama Buddha.

When is Wesak in 2009?

Wesak Day falls on the 9th of May 2009, a Saturday. May you be well. May you be happy.

When is the holy day for Buddists?


When is wesak 2010?

21 May

Which religion celebrates wesak?

Wesak is a word found in Bahasa Malaysia or Bahasa Indonesia. Wesak is originally pronounced as "Vaishaak" in Sanskrit and is a name of summer month when the crop is fully ripe/dried and is ready for harvesting. It is in this month Crops are harvested and hence the festival of harvest in India, Malaysia and Indonesia. So we can say that "Wesak" or "Vaishaak" belongs to whichever religion the Greater India was following for more than 10,000 years.

Which religion is wesak in?

Vesak is a Buddhist holiday.

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When is exact date for wesak day in 2011?

17 may