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Q: What do people feel about art?
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Related questions

What does art teach you?

Art teaches people so many things. It teaches people to express themselves. Art teaches people to be passionate and to be creative. It teaches people to use their imaginations and that no matter what they feel it is okay.

Why are designer purses recognized as pieces of art?

Some people need to feel like they are special, so they call what they do an art.

What do people feel about the decline of letter writing?

Some people probably thing that is is an art form that is being lost. Others feel that with the advent of the Internet and instant communication it is simply a need that has become redundant.

What does art refer?

I believe that art represents feeling, you draw what you feel, if you feel love you draw love if you feel angry you draw anger.

What do you feel when you experience art?

different people feel different things. It also depends what you see. If you see something scary you might be scared. If you see something sad you might feel sad.... It all depends

How do you write an art essay?

you study the artist and what tipe of art it is then you wright abuot how you feel about the art work and what could make it better or what your favorit part of it was then wright about how the peace makes you feel.

How-does art make you feel?

its makes me feel overpowered putting my emotion into drawing

How does aboriginal art feel like?


How does art help?

Art is all about interpretation, when a person looks at art and can 'identify' with what they think the artist had in mind when creating it, that can help give them a sense of understanding and or recognition of other people going through the same experiences as them and help them to feel better about themselves.

What was the purpose of modern art in Christianity?

The purpose modern art of christianity is to draw people to God

What type of art do the people in Oman?

Art doesn't do people.

What Is Art and its nature?

Art is the creative expression of a person to interpret how they view the world or how they feel. There is not defined nature of art. Art is expression and unique. There is no right or wrong in art. The nature of art is the nature of artist.