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Q: What do people say in old fashtion words good telling off?
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What is the meaning of the proverb 'example is better than precept'?

you will teach people more effectively by being a good example than you will by telling them what to do.Equivalent English sayings would be: * Lead by example * The map is not the terrain * Good works are more important than good words * It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness

Noticing nice things about people an telling them is an example of what?

Good listening

How noticing nice things about people and telling them is an exemple of?

Good communication. EASY!

Noticing nice things about people and telling them is an example of?

Good communication. EASY!

What are things that some people are very good at telling?

Some people are very good at telling stories, jokes, or secrets. They may also excel at sharing advice, giving speeches, or explaining complex ideas in a clear and engaging way.

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why did grandma keep telling the misfit he was a good man

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Several sites provide free German translation and pronunciation (see link).

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By telling the people how good it is and it is better then the movie.Breaking Dawn Books are fantastic. So all you people need to read them.

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he did this by telling everyone he was the "son fo god" and he told people how good jesus was.

How did bashir al-khayri achieve his aims?

he did this by telling everyone he was the "son fo god" and he told people how good jesus was.

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telling people what is good for them or bad for them (unhealthy or healthy)

When did physical theatre start?

Physical Theatre started in the late 1800 by a man called Hozden Swidecoft. Hozden was a person that was not very good telling people how he felt through words so he decided to try express himself through his movements.