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Doesnt mean anything special, just wants to lay on your face. Some dogs enjoy laying on their master.

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15y ago
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12y ago

When a dog does this he is being polite.He or She is giving a invatation to the other dog to play with he or she. If your dog does this he is happy and a well ajusted dog.

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12y ago

they love you and will trust you lots. It is sign of submission to a stronger dog or what they think is a dog.

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14y ago

Means they have an itch and love to have the belly scratched. When a dog opens it neck and tummy area it also shows they trust you and that you are the alpha dog in the pack.

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Q: What do people say it means when a dog lies on its back?
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Is illegal for a dog to ride in the back of a pickup in Texas?

No, its fine, its just people.