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Now a days people are attending churches just after seeing a miracle of healing being done. But nothing of salvation is mentioned in these churches in any way.

I've never heard of or seen anyone raised from the Dead. The miracles in the New Testament took many forms, walking on water, feeding thousands with next to nothing, fixing a withered limb like new.

Why is it that people who claim to do miracles today do things that are no where near miraculous? Its because they are false prophets.

True miracles preformed by man by the power of God are no longer needed. We have The Bible. Miracles were needed at the time the Gospel was being delivered first to the Jews then the Gentiles because who would believe anything Jesus said if he just told stories. He needed to confirm them with great power through undeniable miracles. Once the gospel was complete they were no longer needed.

Also the bible clearly predicts of the false signs and wonders to come. Thats what you are seeing.

If anyone is preaching anything that contradicts what the Bible says they are a false prophet.

Gal 1 vs 8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned!

Quit searching you have what you need. Its called the New Testament.

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Q: What do people think about miracles today?
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Yes, he does. He will heal people who really need it. These are often referred to as "miracles."

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It is possible to write about miracles that happened in the past or far away, because it becomes impossible to prove they did not really occur. But it is difficult to demonstrate miracles today, because people will soon see through them. On the other hand, if enough people pray to a saint to be cured, sooner or later at least one of those people will get better anyway and therefore provide 'evidence' of a miracle.

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A:The assumption is that people have ever been able to perform miracles. Generally, the mainstream Christian religions assume that living persons do not now perform miracles. However, an important custom in the Catholic Church is the acknowledgement of posthumous miracles supposedly performed by saints, or at least performed as a result of their intercession. Reports of such miracles are constantly being reported, especially for candidates for canonisation.

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I do not think he Mark id any miracles.

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Miracles are real, maybe some Christians haven't realized it yet, but Christians can join together and by Christian faith can pray forth miracles or cast out diseases and infirmities. The miracles are from God, not from the people, but by faith healings can happen.

People think miracles are false because?

Usually, because there is no evidence to support a claim. Often one will not believe in miracles because of personal beliefs or prior judgment of the one claiming a miracle.

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i don't really think there really is an art of creating miracles. i think they just kind of happen ... though its a tough question...

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Healing miracles: Healing people of problems Miracles of Abundance: feeding the 5.000 for example

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In the early days of the Church, there was no formal canonization process so miracles were not required. People were simply declared as saints by the early Christian community based on their lives and/or martyrdom. Today, only the pope can declare saints.

Why are miracles so important today?

Miracles have become important because * of high competition * delay in getting things eg. justice etc * Stress is so high that miracles alone can give relief