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I don't think people considered the accounts of Jesus as miracles but the things Jesus did were certainly miracles. Healing the sick, blind and crippled etc are miracles in anybody's language

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Q: Why did people considered the accounts of Jesus as the miracles in Jesus' times?
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How did people react to Jesus' miracles?

People reacted to Jesus' miracles with a range of responses. Some believed in his divine nature and followed him as a result of witnessing the miracles. Others were skeptical and questioned his abilities, attributing his miracles to trickery or deception. Overall, the miracles played a significant role in shaping people's perception of Jesus and his teachings.

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By the miracles Jesus performed on the people

What books of the Bible are considered Gospels?

Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are the New Testament books of the Bible referred to as the Gospels, which is translated from the Greek word euangelion, meaning "good news". This word denotes the good news proclaimed by Jesus Christ, or the good news about Jesus. The Gospels are stories of Jesus and many of the works and miracles He performed. There are eye witness accounts of the ministry of Christ. These stories reveal the truth about His birth, death and resurrection. There are also accounts of the miracles and many quotations of Jesus during His earthly ministry.

What are two main types of miracles that Jesus did?

Healing miracles: Healing people of problems Miracles of Abundance: feeding the 5.000 for example

How did miracles portray Jesus?

Jesus did miracles of healing on needy people, not because he was seeking fame, but because he had compassion on the people. So his miracles show us his love and mercy and compassion, attributes of the Almighty God who himself is love.

Is it possible that the Gospel accounts of Jesus' sayings and miracles are a religious interpretation of a visit by an extraterrestial?

A:No. It would be far more believable to say either that Jesus really did perform miracles or that the gospels stories are, at least in large part, fabrications.

What is the importance of miracles in the ministry?

Miracles are most important in the Gospel of John. The miracles Jesus performs are predetermined and are intended to prove to people that he is "the light of the world".

Is it easier to explain Jesus' nature miracles than healing miracles?

Any attempt to explain Jesus' nature miracles or healing miracles starts from the proposition that the gospels are reliable accounts of events that actually happened. Both types of miracles can easily be explained by questioning the reliability of the gospels themselves.Some would say that the existence of four independent accounts demonstrates their reliability, but this argument has been destroyed by the discovery that the Gospels of Matthew, Luke and John were based, directly (Matthew, Luke) or indirectly (John) on Mark's Gospel. Since the reliability of Mark has been placed in doubt, the reliability of the other gospels is also in doubt.

What do Jesus' miracles reveal about Him and list the truths taught by these miracles?

Jesus miracles proved that He was divine. In all His miracles faith was a major ingredient.

What did Jesus to show gods love for his people?

He gave the people that believed and had faith in him miracles.