

What do people use mercury for?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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14y ago

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the element Mercury is a silver liquid at room temperature. It has been used in some oral thermometers. It is used to make amalgam dental fillings. It is a toxic heavy metal, and can cause neurological damage when ingested in quantity.

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Why can't you use mercury thermometers?

You can and many people do.

What is Mercury used in?

Mercury was commonly used in thermometers and barometers. However, because it is poisonous, people are trying to use it in less things now.

What mercury used in?

Mercury was commonly used in thermometers and barometers. However, because it is poisonous, people are trying to use it in less things now.

What does the metal Mercury do?

Mercury vapors are toxic for people but it's widely used in everyday life (thermometers) and in science too. Also people use it in chemistry because it's very well understood.

Why don't thermometers use Mercury?

Mercury is Toxic.

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Nobody has visited mercury.

Why do OSHA and EPA and the AMA all discourage the use of mercury filled clinical thermometers?

When mercury filled thermometers break, the mercury is released. Mercury is toxic to people, pets and the environment. There is a long history of mercury from broken thermometers and other medical devices being improperly dealt with, or even ignored. Since there are adequate replacements for mercury thermometers, OSHA, EPA, AMA and others discourage the use of mercury thermometers and encourage their replacement with thermometers using other technologies.

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Is Mercury in immunization shots?

Yes. They use it to preserve the shots, but they don't have to use mercury, they just use it to save money.

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If you were on Mercury, the Sun would be huge!

How is melting point good for the society?

Well most people use the melting point of mercury as an atvantage in their thermace stat.