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The pillars represent the consisitution, since they signed it they clearly represent it.

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Q: What do pillars represent?
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the columns/pillars at the white house represent strength and eternity

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What do the wreaths represent on the pillars at the World War 2 memorial?

The 56 pillars represent the 48 states (at the time of WWII) and the District of Columbia, the territories of Alaska and Hawaii, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the Philippines, Puerto Rico Guam and American Samoa.

Why do muslims follow the 5 pillars?

Because the five Islam pillars are the basis of Islam religion. The five pillars represent the basic practices for any Muslim. Denying any of these pillars intentionally and knowingly by any Muslam brings him/her out of Islam. Refer to question below for more details.

How are the 5 pillars of Islam similar to pillars?

Pillars hold up houses therefor the five pillars are believed to hold up the life of a Muslim... But if u remove one or more pillars from the house it gets unbalanced so if u don't follow the five pillars a Muslims life will kinda get a bit "out of place" I guess u can say. Sorry if I'm wrong I'm only in 7th grade so don't expect me to write big words xP (;

Why there are five corners of star on Pakistan flag?

Pakistan's flag's star has five corner's to represent the five pillars of Islam.

What are the five pillars made of?

They are five pillars of Islam faith. They are not materialistic pillars as the building pillars. These pillars of Islam are referred to in question below.

How do 4 minarets represent 5 pillars of Islam?

No relation between minarets (and/or their numbers) and the five pillars of Islam. The minarets are physical structures that are characterizing mosques while the five pillars of Islam are the representing basic principles of Islam religion per Quran revelation to prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Refer to question below.

What are herakles symbols?

Wooden club, snakes, twin pillars... he doesn't have a symbol, really. Although he is an immortal, he does not represent something the way the gods and titans do.

Why are there pillars at the world war 2 memorial?

To represent the 48 states and the District of Columbia. Back when WWII was still going on there were only 48 states.

Did the twelve pillars in the temple Moses made in the wilderness represent the twelve apostles?

Moses didn't make a temple in the wilderness. Solomon made a temple in Jerusalem.