

What do plain cheerio's taste like?

Updated: 12/3/2022
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Q: What do plain cheerio's taste like?
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How cheerios are made?

Cheerios are made out of wheat, like all kinds of cereals. They put a dash of honey on the Cheerios. that's why Cheerios taste like honey. hope this helped! :)

Does cheerios chocolate taste like cookie crisp?

Omnomnomnomnom.. no.

What does cheerios taste like an don't say heaven...?

It is my opinion that Cheerios taste like ice cream cones (cake cones, not sugar cones). Try eating Cheerios with ice cream and you'll see what I mean. - Anthony L.

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They have a plain chocolate taste, as well as fudgy taste

How many boxes of cheerios sold per year?

180 million boxes of Cheerios (plain) were sold in 2012.

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They can eat Fruits, Vegtables, some cereals (like plain cheerios) and their molted shell (good source of nutrients)

Why are there so many different styles of cheerios?

People like cheerios and they like choices so there you go!! Different styles of cheerios where invented!!

What is in cheerios?

Cheerios are a type of cereal that look like mini-bagels. There are honey nut cheerios as well.

Why do people like Cheerios?

Some people like to lower their cholesterol. Cheerios are good. If you don't like them, oh well, don't eat them.

Can you use a Cheerios coupon for either plain or honey nut Cheerios?

Coupons often have restrictions on their redemption. In general, it should say somewhere on the coupon if substitutions are allowed, and which products are capable of being substituted.