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they use photosynthesis is using the SUN and WATER TO MAKE FOOD.

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Q: What do plant make food by using?
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Do human and plant cells make food from sunlight?

Plant cells make food using energy from sunlight. Humans do not.

How does the plant make its own food?

it makes food using photosynthesis

Are plant plankton producers?

Yes. Plant planktons make their own food. Also, plants make their food by the process of photosynthesis which is using the suns energy to make food.

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IT makes food for the plant?

Chloroplast make sugar in a plant by using sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water to make sugar and oxygen (the sugar is the food)

How do you make plant cell model without using food?

use styrofoam

Any living thing that can make its own food?

yes a plant makes its own food through photosynthesis using the sunlight to make food

Is croton plant make its own food?

Like other plants crotons also make food by photosynthesis, but only the green portions of the leaf take part in photosynthesis.

Where does a plant make its food?

the leaves make the plant's foodA plant makes it food in its vacuole

Do plant cells help make the plants make food?

Yes, plant cells do help the plant make food. There are certain cells in the plant that help the plant produce food.

What do you call an organism that can make its own food using solar enery?

A Plant., photosynthetic autotroph .

How do you make a 3D plant cell without using food?

styrofoam from your local craft store.