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Mainly Seals, but really whatever it can find, whether it would be an stricken Artic Fox or even Man, The Polar bear is the only creature that actively hunts Humanity.

I don't know why people want to protect the m really :S

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Q: What do polar bears hunt for food?
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Who hunts polar bears?

The Inuit hunt polar bears for food and skin and bones.

Where do polar bears hunt food?

They usually hunt for there food in the water because there favorite food is Seal.

Where do polar bears hunt?

They hunt in the water, fish is their main source of food!

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they hunt like Polar Bears

Do polar bears hunt fish?

Yes, that is their main source of food.

Why are polar bears hunted by farmers?

farmers do not hunt polar bears

Do female polar bears help hunt?

No, they hunt themselves, they don't hunt for anyone or help other polar bears hunt, except for their cubs.

How do Polar Bears get their food on the winter?

They can dig in the snow, swim, hunt for seals, and whatnot.

Why do you hunt polar bears?

so people in the arctic can keep warm and so they have food

What two animals uses camouflage to hunt food?

Polar Bears and Some bugs

When did they make it illegal to hunt polar bears?

It's cruel to hunt Polar bears so it was never allowed

What season do polar bears not eat?

Polar bears main eat seals, which they hunt from the ice. During summer, when much of the sea ice melts, polar bears find ift difficult to find food.