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Q: What do political parties seek?
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A key difference between political parties and interest groups is that although both are organized groups that seek to influence the government, unlike interest groups, political parties seek to influence government by?

electing its members to office

A group of persons who seek to control government through the winning of elections and the holding of public office is a?

political parties

What do the political parties stand for?

A political party is a political group of kindred spirits. Political parties often seek more than one purpose, such as promoting employment, a fair distribution of income, a clean environment or the fight against crime. Because not everyone pursues these goals the same way, there are more parties arise.

Groups that seek to influence politics and public policy by spending money on elections are called?

Answer this question… political parties.

Which institution developed outside the limits of the written constitution of the United states?

Political Parties.

How do the political parties help to unify the American people?

Political parties seek to modify the contending views of various interests and groups, encourage and compromise, and so help to unify, rather than divide, the American people.

Organizations that seek political power by electing people to office so that their positions and philosophy become public policy are called?

Organizations that seek political power by electing people to office so that their positions and philosophy become public policy are called a political party. A local or judicial election in which candidates are not selected or endorsed by political parties and party affiliation is not listed on ballots is a nonpartisan election.

How are interest groups different from political parties?

Interest groups are different from political parties in the sense that they are the ones paying the political parties to help them represent certain views or get certain bills passed in their favor.

Why did jefferson seek peace between political parties?

Jefferson believed that the Federalists threatened to restore the antidemocratic principles and institutions

Who is the taliban and what do they want?

The Taliban are an Islamist fundamentalist political group in Afghanistan. Political groupings or parties mainly seek to take power and enforce their beliefs, policies, and ideals.

What is the plural of political party?

The plural of political party is "political parties".

Why did Jefferson seek unity between political parties?

Jefferson wanted to seek unity between political parties because he felt it was important for Americans to unite despite their political differences. Thomas Jeffersonserved as the 3rd U.S. President.