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they come out most of the time when they eat and then they swallow them usually without knowing it, it does not harm them at all

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Q: What do puppies do with their baby teeth when they start falling?
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Related questions

Does it hurt puppies to lose their teeth?

No. When puppies lose their "baby" teeth, they don't even feel it, because the teeth get so loose they literally just fall out as their adult teeth start coming in.

Do newborn dogs have teeth?

Type your answer here... well actually dogs do have teeth when they are born

When do poodles get second-teeth?

Puppies usually start loosing their baby teeth around four months of age. You will start seeing baby teeth on the floor, couch, in their bed etc. Their new adult teeth will come in quickly within two weeks.

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What teeth do puppies lose first?

Puppies lose all of their baby or milk teeth. As the adult teeth grow in the milk teeth should fall out. Sometimes both will be visible.

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Most dog breeds have 42 teeth at a mature age. When they are puppy's they only have 28 teeth. Their baby teeth start falling out at age four months.

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When do pouppy teeth fall out?

Puppies have baby teeth like humans. As they grow they need larger teeth so he/she will grow permanent teeth soon.

Do sheperd puppies have baby teeth and do they loose them?

Of course! All dogs lose their teeth, just like humans.

When will puppies get their first teeth?

Puppies do not have to grind much food, so they donot have molars. Puppy teeth begin to shed and be replaced by permanent adult teeth at about four months of age

What causes the top of baby teeth to break off?

The grown up teeth start pushing on the baby teeth forcing them out.

Are puppies born with teeth?

No. Puppies are actually born without teeth and they grow 28 baby teeth between 6 and 8 weeks old.