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Greenish-Brownish-Yellowish (Guacamole Color)

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Crawford Rodriguez

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1y ago
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Q: What do red- eared slider turtles eggs look like?
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Can res turtles lay eggs in sand that's in the water?

No. Semi-Aquatic Turtles like the Red eared Slider will only lay eggs on land, not under water.

What kind of turtle is a slider turtle?

A slider turtle is basically like a category of turtles including the Yellow Belly Slider Turtle and the Red Eared Slider turtle.

Are red eared slider turttles good indoor pets?

Red-eared sliders are one of the most common types of turtles found in the pet trade, but ... are good for young turtles, but as red eared sliders mature ... more like indoor ... yes they are good indoor pets

What preys on turtles?

sometimes red eared sliders like to eat krill .when i got my red eared slider i first gave it pellets and it wouldnt eat but then i bought krill and my turrle loved it!!

What month do red eared sliders lay there eggs?

You're the guy that asked god knows how many questions about red eared sliders aren't you? Sorry. Anyway no one can tell you what month exactly. Just know they lay their eggs in spring. Geckomaster P.S. To get all this info your looking for just find a good website on google or something.

Are red eared turtles and painted turtles compatible in captivity?

Hi there, Most turtles are good together like mine, i have a RES and a yellow bellied slider and they are great together! Bugzly12 - hope you have a great time and hope you can answer some of my questions!! :)

What are Good names for red eared slider?

good names for a red eared slider should be based on their personality/what they're like. hope this helped.

Recently I bought two baby red eared slider turtles and one of them the female doesnt appear to have any eyes Is it blind or something?

no it was maybe it was born like that!

Do turtles like to be together?

I find that my Baby Turtles have their own personalities, I have 3 red Ear sliders, 3 yrs, 1yr, 8mos old. My babies like to play with each other most of the time. Turtles are community animals, they should be in pairs.

Why my baby pet turtle Red Eared Slider swims like half sinking and half floating?

Beacuse the baby turtles cant swin much as regular turtles so they have their legs in the water and body upp...

Do red eared slider turtles have different habits in dark and light?

no different habits in dark nd bright bt yes red eared turtles like it vry much if u keep dem in dark its bcoz dey hav a habit 2 live in dark places............... :)

If i have turtles but i dont know what species they are will that affect their life and i dont know if my turtles are red eared sliders or water turtles is it possible for them to be both?

Red Eared Sliders are aquatic turtles. They generally spend their time in a pond like environment, and come up to bask in the sun.Image search "red eared slider" to find out. They are very unique looking and very easy to tell what kind of turtle they are.Then, return them wherever you got them. You obviously shouldn't be owning turtles.