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red eared slider turtles will eat alot of things like:guppies,snails,shrimp,somtimes crab or hermit crab,tetra fish(cloud white or glo lite),minnows,and somtimes even other turtles.

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Q: What do red ear slider turtles eat other than bought pet food?
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What food does a baby red eared slider eat other than bought turtle food?

Young baby turtles can eat many different ,but something easy is wiggle tails or baby mosquitos

Can red eared slider turtles eat onions?

No, however, red-eared slider turtles tend to be very open to any new type of food expect onions

Where would a slider turtle go if it escaped captivity?

The slider turtle would go to a pond or other fresh water body o water. A place where it would be happy with friend turtles, food, and other things they need.

Can two slider turtles live together?

Well, in my experience my two male red- eared sliders get along pretty well. Sometimes they will fight for food.

What special food do yellow bellied slider turtles have to have?

They will thrive on a mix of fish, turtle food, and some leafy vegetables.

Should you feed your red eared slider turtle with a food tray?

no,slider turtles have fixed tongues but no saliva for that reason they must eat inside water

Can red slider turtles and a betta fish be in the same tank?

probably not. they have different kind of food and they might get mixed up

What do Singapore turtles eat?

Feed your red-eared slider regularly. Turtles require different amounts of food depending on their size. If you are unsure how much food to feed your turtle, consult a veterinarian. Feed your red-eared slider a high-protein commercial turtle kibble, available at your local pet store. To supplement this food, give your red-eared slider chopped vegetables such as zucchini, kale, dandelions, squash, endive leaves and collard greens.

How do you know if a red ear slider is pregnant?

wan it stop eating or that he don't like the foodTurtles are reptiles. They lay eggs. They do not get pregnant.

Can a goldfish live with 2 red ear slider?

As a rule of thumb, you should not feed your turtle anything bigger than his head. Aquatic or semi aquatic turtles can eat fish. However, if you have them in a tank, even with filtration, it can cause an oily film on the surface of the water.

What do baby red-eared slider eat?

You can purchase a good quality turtle food and/or leafy greens. You can allow the greens to float in the water. The turtles will bite off of it.

Can you feed cherries to your red ears sliders turtles?

no i have a red ear slider an he will proly get sick cuz hes not use to an turtles dont eat dat day eat turtle food or fish if its use to it