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Pretty much just ordinary people that like the nicer things in life.

they are like emo people but more like punk they have there hair in layers ( girls)

and they.Only were trains and t-shirt and skinny leggings there were very black not crazy eye shadow but a lot

hope this helps :) :) :)

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Q: What do scene kids look like?
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Are there Scene or emo kids in San Diego CA?

of course there iz. just look around in the mall! scene kids r everywhere.

Do scene kids like twilight?

Some scene kids may like Twilight, but it ultimately depends on individual preferences. Twilight's blend of supernatural elements and romance may resonate with some scene kids, while others may not be interested in it.

What is the difference between a scene girl and an emo girl?

Scene is just a fashion..scene kids are ppl who just look emo or punkish..some may call it 'emo try-hard'..emo is also a fashion but is also a genre and the deep stuff like self harming..scene kids dont do that.

Is being scene still popular in 2011?

Yes, i am in 6 grade and many kids in my school have scene hair and they seem to be popular. but if you really like it like i do you should go for it i am sure you would look pretty.

How did scene kids come to be?

Scene kid's to me are kind of like emo kids but they don't cut their wrists. They wear pretty much the same clothing, jewlery, make-up ect. Music may differ from scene and emo. Scene kids are the best.

What are scene kids?

Scene kids wear bright colours, have awesome hardcore hairstyles and use slang like HxC, SxE rad Etc.

Is Emo-punk the same as scene?

The style is the same but the difference seems to be attitude...scene kids are all about the look, emo kids are all about the attitude. Emo chicks are pretty hot.

What will spyro's kids look like?

That's unknown but if they do have kids probably will look like them.

Why are scene boys and girls called scene?

Because when you look like them, people tend to look at you and you cause a scene instead of just blending in :)

Can scene kids like justin bieber?

Yes. Anyone can like Justin Bieber, its their choice.

Is asking Alexandria scene?

Yes, very much so. Look at some older pics of them, they were definately scene kids. They've kind of grown out of that in terms of their style, but their music is still scene.

What hats do scene kids wear?

Scene kids wear beannie hats, and lately monster hats. You can find a lot of them on websites such as little blackcherry or hot topic. Places like that. :-)