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Scientists make models to describe them.

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Q: What do sciencetist do because atoms are so small?
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Why scientists use microscopes?

Sciencetist use Microscope because, sometimes sciencetist can see really small thing so they used a microscope to see them.

Explain why scientists use models to to study atoms?

Because, atoms are so small they can fit on the tip of a pencil.

Why do scientists need special technology to study atoms?

because they're so small.

Are early statements about the atom that said it could not be split still true today?

The division of atoms of Uranium is how nuclear energy is produced, and this creates smaller atoms; not long ago Sciencetist have found a smaller state of matter. The ending answer is no this is not true; early Sciencetist did not know much about atoms, but this knowledge has expanded through modern science, so a lot of old theories have become ruled out. I hope this helped, and I'm a ninth grader from California.

Why do scientists use microscope?

Scientists use microscopes to magnify very small objects to observe tiny features that the naked eye cannot see. Microscopes are better than magnifying glasses for many uses because they are more stable (no jiggling) and can be built with greater magnifying power so smaller structures can be seen and studied.

Why cant the kinetic energy of all the atoms in an object be measured?

because they are so small and objects contain so many of them, it is impossible to measure the kinetic energy of all the individual atoms

Why is the force of gravity in a nebula very weak?

Gravitational force is dependent directly on the mass of the object and inversely dependent on the distance. So with the mass of the nucleus being so small, the gravitation al force is also very weak.

Why are atoms small?

They are simply small because of the size of the pieces that make them up. Also, the electrons orbit the nucleus at the range they do because of the strength of the electromagnetic force. If this force were weaker, atoms would be larger.

How will you show the particle of matter is so small?

With identifying its atoms.

Why should scientists create models of atoms?

atoms are extremely small so they need to increase the size so they unserstand how they work

Can you find atoms in your own home?

Atoms are in every solid object but you cannot see them as they are so small.

How many atoms of hydrogen in cinnamon?

there is infinity + atoms because atoms are mad out of atoms so it keeps going