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Draw conclusions and write a report.

If you are a high level scientist doing research , then the report is offered to a learned journal for promulgation/publication.

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They draw conclusions.

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Q: What do scientist do after they have completed all the steps in an experiment?
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Why is it important that a scientist's experiment can be recreated by other scientist from all over the world?

because sometimes scientist can can create them but the experiment goes wrong so it's important to recreated so they can fix their mistake

What are all the scientific method steps?

Scientific method steps: -Purpose -Research -Hypothesis -Experiment -Analysis -Conclution

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There is no application process for becoming a scientist. All that's needed is a desire to learn more about the world through experiment.

How can you tell if the conclusion from an experiment is valid?

If you documented all your results, had a partner, had a witness, completed the experiment many times with the same results, and tested the experiment on the proper things then this would be good validation.

Why must each of the six steps of scientific inquiry be included?

Well the scientific inquiry needs all steps to survive, like you said. It is like an ecosystem. Every one thing must depend on the other. You must need all because if you do not do one than your outcome may not be accurate. A scientist has to always make an experiment as clean as they can.

What are all the steps of forming a hypothesis?

The SIMPLE STEP is to guess what will happen when you conduct the experiment.

What is the difference between a procedure and a experiment?

A procedure is all the steps used to do an expirament in order. the expirament is when you test your hypothesis and is designed to answer your question. the procedure is all the steps of the expirament.

What all the steps to science?

question hypothesis procedure experiment abstract conclusion data analyzing

What do you call a sample that goes through all the steps in an experiment but is not exposed to the experimental variable?


Why is it important for scientist to be able to constantly repeat experiments in labs all across the world?

To verify the results of the experiment.

What do you call a sample that goes through all the steps of an experiment except the one being tested?

The control, or control group, goes through all the steps of an experiment, but does not contain the factor being tested, which is called the experimental variable or independent variable.

Name the experiment which shows that scientist often have make conculsion base on limited information?

Because,Scientist is away of having fun and learning about things all over the world.