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They reproduce once a year. Maturation can take from 3-10 years, depending on the species. Upon maturation, males live only a few months, while females may live up to 20 years. We got no idea on how much is the wild population but 30,000 tarantulas were bought in 1989.

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Because tarantula hair causes itching.

What do a tarantula use to find its prey eyes or hair?

I think its hair but if any one knows the real anser please type it!!

Rose hair tarantula?

yes they are the same

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Is a tarantula an enemy of another tarantula?

i held my rosehair up to a mirror and she attacked her image aggressively, so unless she was just having a bad hair day, i dont think they like each other much

Can your rose hair tarantula and emperor scorpion live in the same cage or will they fight and kill each other?

No they will fight and you'll lose a tarantula :(

What is the hair length of Tarantula spider?

they may look like their hair is long but it is only about 0.6 milimitres long

How does a tarantula poison other animal by shedding its hair?

These tarantulas that don't bite have hairs with poison but they don't shed the hair, they sting the prey with the hair.

What does rose hair tarantula eat?

crickets and pinkies (small pink baby mice)

How does hair on a tarantula help it survive?

On sometarantulas, their hair is a form ofdefense They shoot a mist of microscopic barbed hairs at their attacker, usually at their eyes.

Why do scientists have to wear hair cover?

Scientists and cooks need to control where there hair falls. They do not want the hairs to interfer with an experiment.

Where did the spider tarantula originated from?

it originated whea a hair spider named jes***A mated with an evil spider